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Freezing Fat: CoolSculpting 101

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you are looking for a simple and noninvasive method to get rid of unwanted fat. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We here at the NIMA Institute are experts in the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved way to get rid of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting. So, does CoolSculpting really just freeze fat? Where does the fat go? Will it come back? Does it hurt? These are all important questions to ask. We will take a deep dive into what CoolSculpting is and what it is not. Let’s start at the beginning: what is CoolSculpting?  

CoolSculpting: What is it?  

CoolSculpting is a new way to get rid of that stubborn fat! This new technology freezes fat cells by using controlled cooling in a targeted area. Over the next few weeks and even months, your body will naturally eliminate those fat cells. Once the cells are frozen in the targeted area, the fat there will never come back. CoolSculpting is a noninvasive version of Liposuction. You can use CoolSculpting on unwanted fat in the abdominal area, back, and other areas that are not as you’d like them to be. Once you set up your free consultations our experts will determine how many sessions and where the CoolSculpting should take place. The number of months it takes to see your full results will depend on the amount of sessions you go through.   

How does it work? 

In the process of CoolSculpting you first schedule a consultation. During this consultation you will express your concerns about the problem areas that you’d like treated. We here at NIMA will determine whether or not you are eligible for a CoolSculpting treatment, then we will determine where and how many treatments will be the best for you. When you arrive at your first appointment, we will walk you through all the steps, and then we begin! The CoolSculpting machine is placed on your target area (the amount of time you are there is also determined during the consultation). At first you will feel intense cooling, deep pulling, tugging, pinchingnumbness, or discomfort then, most of our customers end up not feeling anything because of the cool sensation. Our customers can do anything while they are going through the process. Some customers read, listen to music, catch up on some Z’s and even work! After the treatment, you can get back to your normal life. No down time is required.  

You may be able to see results within 3 weeks of your first session, but most folks will see their full treatment results after 2 months. Your results will depend on how many sessions and where you get the treatment done. Some people see results up to 6 months after treatment!  

Are there side effects? 

Like with anything, there are some side effects that you may experience post-treatment with CoolSculpting. But, as we stated before, CoolSculpting has been deemed safe by the FDA! The FDA has approved CoolSculpting as the only safe and effective way to get rid of fat non-surgically. We already spoke about what you will feel during the procedure, so what about after? Keep in mind that these are temporary side effects. 

  • Bruising 
  • Firmness 
  • Numbness 
  • Pain  
  • Redness 
  • Stinging 
  • Swelling 
  • Tingling 

Rare side effects may also occur as well. There are some people that should not have CoolSculpting done hence, why we have our consultation before your appointment to ensure that you are the right candidate.  You should not have a CoolSculpting procedure if you have cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, or obesity.   

Does the fat come back?  

Most of our customers are so excited about their post-CoolSculpting results that they are motivated to keep off the weight. However, if fat does come back it is more likely to come back more evenly, rather than stay in one area. The area that you got the treatment on has had all of the fat cells killed and the cells cannot grow back in the same density  

CoolSculpting is not for those who have been diagnosed with obesity. The perfect candidate is one that has tried dieting and exercise but just has that fat that just doesn’t want to leave. Like we stated before, CoolSculpting is the nonintrusive version of Liposuction. If you had ever considered going through a Liposuction surgery, perhaps giving CoolSculpting a bit of research before you make your decision. 

Are there other options?  

Yes, of course there are other options when it comes to fat removal. However, these options are far more intrusive and require the down time that you may not have: 

  • Liposuction 
  • Diet and exercise 
  • Radiofrequency lipolysis or Vanquish 
  • TruSculpt 
  • Kybella 

 It’s important to do your research before deciding which options you deem the best. We suggest looking at post-op photos and reviews. One of the reasons that folks seem to love CoolSculpting is because of the no down time aspect. Life gets busier and busier, and CoolSculpting is the quickest way to get back to your day-to-day life. Most other fat removal treatments will require recovery time that most people don’t have. Keep this in mind as you decided which treatment is best for you.  

Freezing Fat: change your life 

If you’ve tried everything you can to get rid of those areas that make your self-confidence plummet, it may be time to try something new. Not everyone has the time to become a total gym-rat, and we understand that. We here at NIMA want you to live your happiest and healthiest life. If you’ve established a solid, healthy lifestyle but that muffin top just won’t go away, CoolSculpting could be the way to change everything. There are plenty of alternatives to CoolSculpting and you should explore and research those as much as you can. However, we think that you’ll love how you look and feel post-CoolSculpting. This non-surgical treatment has changed many lives and it may just change yours! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule your free consultation.  

What are you waiting for? Freeze that fat and change your life!  

How do I know if CoolSculpting will work for me?

CoolSculpting has started to pop up seemingly everywhere. As a result, it has caught the eye of many people, including you seeing as you are reading this article. However, it is a newer treatment, which leaves many people with a lot of questions. One big one that should be answered is how to tell if you can even get CoolSculpting done. There are a few conditions that need to be met to be considered a good CoolSculpting candidate. Luckily, we here at NIMA want to make sure that all of our clients understand the different treatments we offer. So, we wanted to be sure to give you a guide on how to tell if CoolSculpting is right for you. Let’s get into it. 

How does CoolSculpting work? 

Before we can get into what makes a viable CoolSculpting candidate, we need to talk about the basics of CoolSculpting. More specifically, how it works. 

CoolSculpting takes advantage of one particularly interesting fact about fat. It freezes at a higher temperature than any of the other kinds of cells that surround it. This means that you could freeze fat cells without freezing or damaging any of the skin or muscle cells that are nearby. CoolSculpting takes this anecdote and uses it to our advantage. In this process, the fat cells are exposed to their freezing temperature, which kills them, but leaves all of the other cells virtually untouched. The fat cells then die and are eventually expelled by the body. This way you get rid of stubborn fat without the surrounding areas needing time to heal. 

A typical CoolSculpting session is pretty simple and lasts around 15 to 45 minutes. A technician will place a pad on your target area to help ensure that your skin is protected, then they place the CoolSculpting applicator on the area. The applicator is started up and you will likely feel a cooling sensation and some slight pulling. But not long after the area will numb, and you won’t notice anything. Then all you need to do is sit back and relax. Many people read, do work on their phones, or nap during their CoolSculpting sessions. Once the session is over, there is no need for downtime. Since there is no recovery, you can just go back to your day.  

CoolSculpting does have a few side effects that may pop up after a session. The side effects may include aching, tenderness, bruising, swelling, and redness, among other things. These effects are not overly serious and tend to go away in a day or so. 

The effects of CoolSculpting are not immediate. This is because the cold kills the fat cells but does not make them disappear. When cells die, your body naturally wants them out of the way. So, the body will essentially sweep them away. However, this takes some time. Some people see results with in one month, others in with six months. It varies from person to person, depending on the size of the area and how dense the fat is. 

One really great aspect of CoolSculpting is that the fat doesn’t come back in the same way. Fat does come back if you don’t take measures to keep it off, but it will spread out more evenly, instead of focusing on those problem areas like it did before. But most people love the results of their CoolSculpting so much that they keep up the work of making sure that fat stays off. 

How do I know if I’m a good candidate? 

The best way to know if you are a viable candidate for CoolSculpting is to schedule a free consultation with one of our CoolSculpting experts here at NIMA. They will go through what CoolSculpting is with you in more detail. They will guide you on what exactly makes a good CoolSculpting candidate. Together, you will be able to determine what areas will get the treatment, how many treatments you will need, and how long those treatments will be. However, we will still go over what kinds of things you may talk about during your consultation.  

There are a limited number of areas that can be CoolSculpted. They are the love handles, arms, chin, back, under the bottom, outer and inner thighs, and lower and upper abdomen. This is because they tend to be the areas where extra fat is stored the most. It also helps that these areas are pretty easily accessible for the CoolSculpting applicator. 

A common way to tell if an area has enough fat to CoolSculpt it is by using the “pinch test.” Essentially, if you can pinch an area and get mainly fat, it can be CoolSculpted. However, one important thing to remember about CoolSculpting is that it is a final step type weight loss treatment. Meaning that it is made for people who have already been dieting and exercising. People who are already close to their goal weight and just need help getting rid of some of those more stubborn areas. It is not made for those who are obese. 

You should also avoid CoolSculpting if you have certain medical conditions. They are cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. These conditions can lead to some very serious complications if you have them and get CoolSculpting. As with all procedures, it is smart to talk to your doctor before getting CoolSculpting effects done whether or not you have one of the above conditions.  

CoolSculpting could help you win your fight against stubborn fat. Now that you have a better idea of what it takes to be a good CoolSculpting candidate, why not give it a shot? We here at NIMA are one of the country’s biggest providers of CoolSculpting, so you can be confidant that we know what we are doing. We have facilities in Utah, Nevada, and Washington, and these facilities are state-of-the-art. So, why not get ahold of us? You can give us a call at (844) 899-6462 or you can contact us through our contact page. Setting up your free consultation will put you one step closer to loving your body. 

Does CoolSculpting Work? And Other Important Questions

Trying to lose weight is big task to take on, but many are able to find exercises that they enjoy and healthy foods that taste great. But some hit a wall not long after losing a fair amount. They find they are so close to their goal weight, but theres just a little bit of fat that keeps hanging around on their stomach, thighs, or arms that keeps them from actually meeting their goal. That can be so frustrating and incredibly dishearteningAfterall, you work so hard, but start to feel like you’re hitting a wall with that last little pocket of fat. However, there are some ways that you get rid of that stubborn fat. One of the biggest ones right now is CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting effects.

But, you may be thinking, does it even work? If so, how does it work? And how long do the results last? We’ll answer all of these questions and a few others. Soon you’ll understand why so many people have been turning to CoolSculpting to get rid of that last little bit of stubborn fat. 

What is CoolSculpting and how does it work? 

Let’s start out with a simple explanation of what CoolSculpting is.  

It is essentially freezing away fat cells. These cells freeze at much higher temperatures than other cells. This means that while one temperature won’t do much to muscle and skin cells, that same temperature freezes and effectively kills fat cells. So, CoolSculpting takes advantage of this to kill fat cells, but keep the surrounding tissue healthy.  

When the cells have been frozen, they do stick around for a little while. The body needs to process that they are dead and then expel them. So, don’t expect to see results immediately after your sessions. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months for the cells to completely dissipate. After that brief period of time, the fat is gone, and you can feel more confident in your body.  

Every CoolSculpting session works pretty simply. The technician places a pad on the exposed area to help with comfort and protection. Then they set up the CoolSculpting applicator. You may experience some pressure and a cool sensation, but that goes away fairly quickly as the area numbs. After that, all you need to do is sit back and relax as the CoolSculpting applicator does its work. During your treatment you can work, read, nap, or do whatever you please. After the treatment is done you can get back to your day. There is no need for recovery or downtime, unlike many other weight loss treatments, like liposuction.  

One truly exciting aspect of CoolSculpting is that it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This is because there have been many studies that have been conducted on the procedure. These studies have found CoolSculpting to be effective and safe for most people. There are not many other weight loss treatments that claim the same. This is exciting because you know that it means that you can go into your CoolSculpting treatments feeling confident in the procedure and knowing that there is very little to worry about. 

How many sessions of CoolSculpting does it take and how long do the effects last? 

This is not the easiest question to answer. This is because there are a bunch of different questions to answer to get to the exact number of sessions. Luckily, we here at NIMA have CoolSculpting experts who will sit down with you during your free consultation and go over it with you. Together you will determine the trouble areas, and how many sessions they will take. The sessions themselves can last anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour. But when you consider that there is no need for downtime between sessions, that isn’t too long. 

Of course, this is all well and fine. But you may be wondering, how long does it last? Afterall, who wants to sit through a bunch of sessions if it is only going to last a couple of months? Well, that is not actually a concern. In fact, this is one of the best parts of CoolSculpting; the results never go away. You may gain weight again, but if you do, it will be evenly distributed. It won’t just be focused in the area that you have just gotten CoolSculpted. While it the fat may return to that place, it won’t be quite as dense. However, many people are so thrilled with their results that they work to keep that weight off.  

It is good to know that CoolSculpting is not made for those who are obese. It is for those who have already been dieting and exercising and need help losing that little bit of extra weight. You also should not get CoolSculpting if you have cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobulinuria, or cold agglutinin. This treatment could have some serious side effects for those with these conditions. There are some side effects associated with the treatment. They usually along the lines of things like bruising, sensitivity, and some swelling. However, these side effects do fade over time. There have also been some rare reports of some experiencing paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (which basically means that the fat hardens instead dissipating). But as mentioned, this happens rarely and is always treatable. 

If you are interested in getting CoolSculpting done, NIMA is the perfect place. We have campuses in Utah, Nevada, and Washington. We are one of the biggest providers of CoolSculpting in the country, so you can be confident in our equipment and technicians. All you need to do is set up your free consultation to get started. As mentioned, our CoolSculpting experts will help you determine how many sessions you will need, and they will go over how all of the procedure will work every stop of the way. So, why not give us a call and set up your consultation today? You can reach us at (844) 899-6462 or through our contact page. Why wait to feel more comfortable with your body? 

How many sessions of CoolSculpting does it take?

Since you are reading this article, it’s safe to assume that you have probably heard of CoolSculpting before and are interested in it. But there are probably some important questions that you have that still need answering. One of the most important being how long will it take for CoolSculpting to work? We, here at the NIMA Institute, are all about making sure our clients know everything there is to know about treatment when going into it. So, let’s dive in and talk about CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting dangers.  

How does CoolSculpting work?  

To better understand how long CoolSculpting takes, it is best to understand how CoolSculpting works at all. Knowing how something works gives you a better idea of how long it takes for it to work.  

The whole idea behind CoolSculpting is that an applicator is used to carefully freeze and kill fat cells in areas where you just can’t seem to lose it. This works because fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the surrounding cells. That means that the tissue around your fat (your skin, your muscles, etc.) will go practically untouched.  

CoolSculpting was developed by a team of researchers at Harvard. They developed the theory behind the process after reviewing some older studies that discussed the results of some test subjects eating popsicles. Since then, CoolSculpting has taken the weight loss industry by storm. And going by the results, it is not hard to see why.  

When you go in for CoolSculpting, you’ll see what a simple process it is. A technician will place a gel pad (which acts as added protection for your skin) and a CoolSculpting applicator. Then they will start the carefully controlled freezing. All you need to do is sit back and relax.  

It is an outpatient procedure, so there is no need for a hospital stay or to take time off. You just schedule your sessions for when you have some free time, like during your lunch break. And because there is no anesthesia involved, you will be able to get back to your day after the session with no problem.  

This process is made mainly to help those who have already been dieting and exercising but have those areas of stubborn fat that won’t go away. These stubborn fat areas are pretty standard, as they are developed during your childhood and teen years and are nearly impossible to get rid of as an adult. That being said, this treatment is not designed for those who are only at the beginning of their weight loss journey. It is for those who have already almost reached their goal weight.  

CoolSculpting is the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved weight loss treatment out there. This is because plenty of studies and reviews have shown that CoolSculpting is not only effective (which it most certainly is) but is also very safe. There are some side effects from the treatment, but they are rarely anything all that serious. Instead, they are usually things like swelling, redness, and bruising, all of which fade after a little while. When this is compared to other weight loss procedures, which not only cause side effects like that but also damage the surrounding tissue, it’s not hard to see why so many people have been turning to CoolSculpting  

While all of this is helpful in understanding the concept of CoolSculpting in general, it still doesn’t answer our main question. So, let’s get back to it.  

How many sessions of CoolSculpting will I need?  

One of the few downsides of CoolSculpting is that there is no one set answer to this question. The reason for this ambiguity is based on that old Kindergarten adage: everyone is unique. Everyone comes in different sizes and shapes. As a result, some people have stubborn fat in areas that take more work than others.  

The number of sessions depends on your target area, where it is, and how much stubborn fat is there. Some people only need one session per target area, while others require three. The length of the courses also varies. CoolSculpting done on the thighs takes much longer (over an hour) than under the chin (which only takes about half an hour). Then, after, however, many sessions it may take, you won’t see results immediately.    

Once the sessions are done, it may take up to two months for the full effect to become clear. This is because cells don’t just disappear after they die. They need to be absorbed into the system and then expelled from the body. Unfortunately, this is isn’t a process that happens overnight. It does take a few weeks for the cells to properly breakdown. For some people, it will take a couple of months.    

This may seem like it will take a long time, but there is something important to remember about this procedure; CoolSculpting isn’t just a limited time fix, that will only get rid of your fat for a little while. Once your sessions are finished, and the fat cells have had time to disintegrate properly, that fat is gone for good. If you gain more weight, it will distribute efficiently, instead of settling in the areas where the stubborn fat used to be.    

Luckily, you won’t need to figure out how many sessions you will need on your own. Here at the NIMA Institute, we have a whole team of CoolSculpting experts at your disposal to help you figure that out. During a free consultation, we will give you a reasonable estimate of how many sessions of CoolSculpting you will need and how long it will take for you to see results.  

We here at the NIMA Institute are so excited to work with you on your journey to loving how you look. We are widespread with locations in Utah, Nevada, and Washington, so you will be able to find us practically anywhere in the west. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or check out our CoolSculpting page to book your free consultation today! 

How Exactly Does CoolSculpting Work?

You’ve probably seen the billboards and the online ads advertising something called CoolSculpting. It may have left you wondering what CoolSculpting even is. A quick Google search will reveal to you that it is using cold to kill stubborn fat cells, but that doesn’t tell you much about how that even works. After all, if cold kills fat cells, why are there things like hot yoga? Well, let’s talk about it.

What is CoolSculpting?

First, let’s give a slightly more detailed definition of CoolSculpting. It is a way to permanently eliminate unwanted fat utilizing the power of a process called cryolipolysis (which is just a way of saying using intense cold).

CoolSculpting is mainly used to help get rid of stubborn fat. This is fat that doesn’t seem to go away no matter what you do. No matter how much dieting and exercising you do, that little pocket of fat won’t go away. That’s because stubborn fat usually develops in childhood or your teen years and is unlikely to change in adulthood. Everyone has stubborn fat in different places in their bodies. Some have it in areas that don’t show or bother them, others it is a prominent issue on their minds. So, it’s not uncommon for them to turn to weight-loss procedures, like CoolSculpting.

The main appeal of CoolSculpting isn’t just that it kills fat cells (as it does wonderfully) but is the fact that it manages to kill the cells without destroying or damaging any of the surrounding tissue, like skin cells. This is what makes CoolSculpting stand out from your average, everyday weight-loss surgery. Those usually cause some real damage to the muscles surrounding your target areas. This damage does heal, but it takes time. With CoolSculpting, you don’t have to worry about that at all!

These aren’t just snake oil type claims either. Not only does CoolSculpting work, but researchers developed it from Harvard. They started to create the theory after reading studies that were looking at patients who had just eaten some popsicles. Since the introduction of the procedure, CoolSculpting has been studied several times, pretty much every one of these studies has concluded with exciting results. On top of that, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it as a safe, effective, and viable weight-loss procedure.

Science backs up CoolSculpting, but what is the actual science behind it?

How does CoolSculpting work?

So, what is it about the cold that gets rid of fat cells? It is all based on freezing points. It doesn’t take as low of a temperature to kill fat cells as it does skin cells. In other words, skin cells freeze at a colder temperature than fat cells. The freezing point of fat cells kills them but leaves skin and other cells virtually untouched.

It starts with a technician placing a gel pad and the CoolSculpting applicator on your target area. Each gel pad (which is there to help protect your skin) and applicator comes in different sizes and shapes depending on the target area. Then the carefully controlled cooling begins.

Initially, the applicator will feel cold on your skin, not terribly, but noticeably. With the gel pads in place the cold won’t be a problem; it may even be refreshing. Then the area will start to numb, and you won’t feel a thing. You can just sit back, relax, and let the treatment do its work. Once the applicator has done its job, one of our technicians will remove it and massage your target area. This helps break up the frozen fat cells. The whole process can take a few weeks to take full effect. This is because the dead fat cells need to dissolve.

CoolSculpting is an outpatient procedure. So, you don’t have to worry about asking for time off from work or anything like that. You can just schedule your sessions for when you have some free time. There is no anesthesia, so you don’t have to worry about how you are going to get home at the end of your session. After each session there is no need for recovery time, you can just go on with your day.

Each person is different, every body is unique and has stubborn fat in different places in different quantities. So, it is hard to say how many sessions you will need and how long those sessions will last. However, that is what our CoolSculpting experts here at the NIMA Institute are for! Our experts will give you a good estimate during your free consultation for how long it will take for you to get rid of that unwanted fat.

It is important to know that like with any procedure, there may be some minor side effects. There can be a little bit of swelling, bruising, or redness in your target area. However, there are not any very serious side effects that have been reported in connection with CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is designed to help those who are already near their desired weight, but just can’t seem to lose that last little pocket of stubborn fat. So, if you are in the beginning of your weight-loss journey this may not be the procedure for you. That being said, CoolSculpting is designed to work on most fatty areas. A good way to judge if a fatty area can be CoolSculpted is by pinching. Basically, if there is enough fat to pinch, you can probably freeze it away.

So, now that you know how CoolSculpting works, why not set up your free consultation with the experts at the NIMA Institute? We will help walk you through the procedure in even more detail, so that you can feel confident in it. Plus, we will help you design your customized treatment, setting up your treatments to fit your busy schedule. Give us a call, email, or check out the CoolSculpting page on our website. We want to help you love every view of you!


“We were tasked with redesigning our operating model to ensure scalability in order to reach our billion-dollar goal,” she says. “Six of us worked with an executive team member and a subcommittee of our board of trustees. We worked for one year to develop a new model. It has been fulfilling to see some of the fruits of our labor already appearing.”

She has helped the organization stay on track with this goal and has also played a role in helping the business to have 30 percent revenue fundraising growth since 2011.

“All of our efforts are focused on saving and improving kids’ lives at our member children’s hospitals and it really can’t get much better. [I] see first-hand the result of communities supporting their children’s hospitals. It puts everything in perspective.”

Carrie Brinton 39
Chief Operating Officer/Founder, National Institute of Medical Aesthetics
President/Founder, Elase Inc.

Elase Inc., which offers aesthetic services, was hit particularly hard by the Great Recession. In order to meet the challenge with her business intact, Carrie Brinton helped pioneer a new business model. The company pivoted from selling big-ticket services to offering a membership that enables clients to pay a monthly fee. Since Elase launched the program in 2009, it has seen a 140 percent increase in sales and its sales conversion rate grew from 50 to 90 percent.

Five years ago, Brinton co-founded The National Institute of Medical Aesthetics, a training facility that now boasts more than 500 graduates. NIMA has already expanded to three out-of-state locations and is on track to hit a year-over-year revenue growth rate of 33 percent.

Brinton says she enjoys “taking a problem or an opportunity and breaking it into its parts and analyzing it from every angle. … I love to take a new idea and refine it over and over into something that our students and clients are going to love.”

“You have to be willing to follow somebody else’s vision sometimes—they may have more insight or they may really just need the opportunity to lead at that moment. You have to really want to make everybody on your team succeed, even more than you want yourself to succeed.”

– See more at:


The National Institute of Medical Aesthetics (NIMA) ( announced today a celebration to commemorate its six year anniversary on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 with a party from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm MST to benefit Millie’s Princess Foundation.

As part of the celebration, NIMA will provide a number of fun, family activities, including:

  • Food trucks, including Waffle Luv and others
  • Princess fun for the kids, including makeup, face painting, glitter tattoos and colorful hair extensions
  • Free candy bar fea
    turing cotton candy and snow cones
  • 50 percent off all spa services
  • 50 percent off laser services (exclusions can apply)
  • Botox party – $9.00 per unit
  • Silent auction
  • Special princess appearance
  • Raffle and raffle prizes

All proceeds from the party will go to Millie’s Princess Foundation. Millie’s Princess Foundation helps families with the financial fallout from childhood cancer. Its mission is to provide the financial resources to help young patients and their families focus on their fight with childhood cancer, not medical bills and other peripheral expenses.

For more information about Millie’s Princess Foundation or to make a donation visit, http://milliesprince

“We’re excited to celebrate six years and the success that we’ve had, especially since last years celebration,” said Christina McGarvey, President of NIMA. “We recognize how fortunate we are and as we do every year we want to celebrate with our custo
mers, friends and family and help make a difference in our community. It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t been affected by cancer in one way or another and the work the team at Millie’s Princess Foundation is doing is making such a difference to children fighting cancer and their families that we feel it’s important to support them and help create awareness about what they’re doing.”For more information about NIMA and its six-year anniversary celebration visit,

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About The National Institute of Medical Aesthetics
For more than 10 years, NIMA has been actively involved in the cosmetic laser industry and have amassed valuable experience in laser procedures. NIMA curriculum is designed with this comprehensive knowledge of “Best Practices” for safety and efficacy in cosmetic laser services. Certification courses are offered nationally in state-of-the-art training facilities designed for licensed Master Estheticians, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, doctors of osteopathy and medical doctors. Each certification or course is accredited for “continuing education” credit through the American Academy of Family Physicians. Additionally, NIMA is accredited by NACCAS and recognized by the Department of Education as a Title IV certified school. For more information visit,