How many sessions of CoolSculpting does it take?

Since you are reading this article, it’s safe to assume that you have probably heard of CoolSculpting before and are interested in it. But there are probably some important questions that you have that still need answering. One of the most important being how long will it take for CoolSculpting to work? We, here at the NIMA Institute, are all about making sure our clients know everything there is to know about treatment when going into it. So, let’s dive in and talk about CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting dangers.
How does CoolSculpting work?
To better understand how long CoolSculpting takes, it is best to understand how CoolSculpting works at all. Knowing how something works gives you a better idea of how long it takes for it to work.
The whole idea behind CoolSculpting is that an applicator is used to carefully freeze and kill fat cells in areas where you just can’t seem to lose it. This works because fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the surrounding cells. That means that the tissue around your fat (your skin, your muscles, etc.) will go practically untouched.
CoolSculpting was developed by a team of researchers at Harvard. They developed the theory behind the process after reviewing some older studies that discussed the results of some test subjects eating popsicles. Since then, CoolSculpting has taken the weight loss industry by storm. And going by the results, it is not hard to see why.
When you go in for CoolSculpting, you’ll see what a simple process it is. A technician will place a gel pad (which acts as added protection for your skin) and a CoolSculpting applicator. Then they will start the carefully controlled freezing. All you need to do is sit back and relax.
It is an outpatient procedure, so there is no need for a hospital stay or to take time off. You just schedule your sessions for when you have some free time, like during your lunch break. And because there is no anesthesia involved, you will be able to get back to your day after the session with no problem.
This process is made mainly to help those who have already been dieting and exercising but have those areas of stubborn fat that won’t go away. These stubborn fat areas are pretty standard, as they are developed during your childhood and teen years and are nearly impossible to get rid of as an adult. That being said, this treatment is not designed for those who are only at the beginning of their weight loss journey. It is for those who have already almost reached their goal weight.
CoolSculpting is the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved weight loss treatment out there. This is because plenty of studies and reviews have shown that CoolSculpting is not only effective (which it most certainly is) but is also very safe. There are some side effects from the treatment, but they are rarely anything all that serious. Instead, they are usually things like swelling, redness, and bruising, all of which fade after a little while. When this is compared to other weight loss procedures, which not only cause side effects like that but also damage the surrounding tissue, it’s not hard to see why so many people have been turning to CoolSculpting.
While all of this is helpful in understanding the concept of CoolSculpting in general, it still doesn’t answer our main question. So, let’s get back to it.
How many sessions of CoolSculpting will I need?
One of the few downsides of CoolSculpting is that there is no one set answer to this question. The reason for this ambiguity is based on that old Kindergarten adage: everyone is unique. Everyone comes in different sizes and shapes. As a result, some people have stubborn fat in areas that take more work than others.
The number of sessions depends on your target area, where it is, and how much stubborn fat is there. Some people only need one session per target area, while others require three. The length of the courses also varies. CoolSculpting done on the thighs takes much longer (over an hour) than under the chin (which only takes about half an hour). Then, after, however, many sessions it may take, you won’t see results immediately.
Once the sessions are done, it may take up to two months for the full effect to become clear. This is because cells don’t just disappear after they die. They need to be absorbed into the system and then expelled from the body. Unfortunately, this is isn’t a process that happens overnight. It does take a few weeks for the cells to properly breakdown. For some people, it will take a couple of months.
This may seem like it will take a long time, but there is something important to remember about this procedure; CoolSculpting isn’t just a limited time fix, that will only get rid of your fat for a little while. Once your sessions are finished, and the fat cells have had time to disintegrate properly, that fat is gone for good. If you gain more weight, it will distribute efficiently, instead of settling in the areas where the stubborn fat used to be.
Luckily, you won’t need to figure out how many sessions you will need on your own. Here at the NIMA Institute, we have a whole team of CoolSculpting experts at your disposal to help you figure that out. During a free consultation, we will give you a reasonable estimate of how many sessions of CoolSculpting you will need and how long it will take for you to see results.
We here at the NIMA Institute are so excited to work with you on your journey to loving how you look. We are widespread with locations in Utah, Nevada, and Washington, so you will be able to find us practically anywhere in the west. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or check out our CoolSculpting page to book your free consultation today!