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Fabulous Facials

Ah, facials. Facials can be a wonderful addition to any at-home spa day. While the sheet masks are fun every now and then, what good do they really do? They can help in many ways but in the long run they don’t do a whole lot. We don’t want you to shy away from a fun spa day at home with your girlfriends, but we want to show you that there are other facials that can do some real good to your skin. Here at NIMA we offer a variety of different facials that you may not be able to find anywhere else. Each facial does something different for the skin all while letting you relax. A great facial can make your skin look brand new and help you gain the glow that you’ve been looking for.  


A facial fit for you 

Each skin type is different and therefore has different needs. The facials we have can help with acne, uneven pigmentation, and much more. Here is a list of the facials we have to offer: 


  • Vitamin C Plus: This particular facial is used for aging and those who have sensitive skin. This is a peel treatment followed with a masque which is infused with Vitamin C. Your skin will be left feeling more firm. This facial will increase cellular turnover to get rid of dry skin cells. The vitamin C plus facial will leave you with a glow.    
  • Seasonal Deluxe: This facial hydrates and exfoliates to give your skin the luminousness it deserves. Your senses will be embellished with a seasonal body cream and facial masque. Think your at-home spa day times ten.  
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is something that many people struggle with every day. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about and we can help you look and feel better with our Rosacea treatment. This treatment is used to reduce redness and inflammation. It also calms while giving strength to the capillary walls that cause rosacea. This calming treatment is something to be excited about.    
  • Reconditioning and Firming: The world around is not kind to the skin and nor is the aging process. Our reconditioning and firming facial will leave your skin feeling regenerated and fresh. If your skin is dry, dull and or aging, this treatment is for you. We’ll renew your cells with all of the nutrients, hydration, and the firming properties of Vitamin C. This facial is for anyone that needs a little pick-me-up in the skin department.    
  • NIMA Signature: Ah, yes, our signature facial! It is a European facial that starts with a strong cleansing. Then we exfoliate to show your shining skin. Then we customize a masque and a nutrient dense moisturizer. It’s called the NIMA signature for a reason, trust us.  
  • Microdermabrasion: This is our favorite type of exfoliation. There are three different types of microdermabrasion that we customize to your skin’s needs for the best possible results. Microdermabrasion is made to help the look of fine lines, the beginning signs of aging, and hyperpigmentation.   
  • Microcurrent: Aging is a pain and microcurrent may be able to assist you. Microcurrent is made to reduce aging signs. It is a non-invasive treatment that helps lift up tissues and facial muscles. It also improves hydration and circulation that overall helps rejuvenate the skin.   
  • LED: Generally, the idea of skin and the light is negative but, not in this case. This light therapy facial may help reduce wrinkles, acne, and hyperpigmentation. While reducing these things, LED facials also improve production of elasticity and collagen of the skin. Let the light illuminate the skin!   
  • Hyperpigmentation: Everyone’s skin is different and has been through different types of damage. This facial may help improve the look of sunspots and the texture of the skin to show a smoother and glowing skin.     
  • Gentlemen’s Spa: Spa days aren’t just for the ladies, men, step in line! This facial helps to prevent ingrown hairs (we all hate those) and will be customized to each person’s needs. The Gentlemen’s spa is wrapped with a shoulder and neck massage. Treat yourself, gentlemen!   
  • Dermasound: This high-tech ultrasonic facial feels out of this world. Dermasound uses low frequency sound waves to exfoliate the skin to create positive changes in the texture and tone of your skin. Skin that is a bit more sensitive to other facials will even benefit from Dermasound 
  • Age Management: Aging, everyone has got to go through it. We combine alpha hydroxyl acids, skin balancing and exfoliating ingredients that may help you achieve a younger appearance of tone and texture. We cannot reverse the clock, but this facial may be able to help you.  
  • Acne Power Treatment: Acne is a real pain in the neck. Luckily, we have the right tools to help. We use Dermasound technology along with a salicylic peel to help clear those pesky marks. All a while this will also help prevent further breakouts. You’ll leave with skin that is ready to take on the world, without acne.   
  • Acne: This facial will help clear up those breakout spots, no matter your age. We’ll help with excess oil, black heads, and uneven complexion. We understand that anyone can get acne breakouts. Not just the teens!  


We know, that’s a lot to choose from. Before you set up your first appointment, we can answer any questions you may have about the facial process and which facial may be best for you. Not only do we have several different options when it comes to facials, we have many options when it comes to our spa as well.  


The Spa 

Along with our facials we have several different treatments that help a number of different ailments. Here at NIMA we are one of the top Botox providers in the country. We also offer Dysport and Dermal Fillers. We can help get rid of those annoying frown lines or add a little plump to those lips. Whatever you want, NIMA can do it. Our spa has CoolSculpting, Laser Skin Rejuvenation, peels, several different body services, and regular spa services (nails, waxing, lashesetc.). NIMA is the one stop solution for all of your beauty needs. Call to make an appointment today!  

How does CoolSculpting work on the arms?

Dealing with flabby arms can be so frustrating as many of us know. But you don’t actually have to live with them now that CoolSculpting has come onto the scene. CoolSculpting is a new, innovative, non-intrusive way to get rid of those pockets of stubborn fat that no amount of dieting or toning exercises can seem to get rid of, like on the arms. But as with all new procedures, there are many questions surrounding CoolSculpting. This is understandable and those questions definitely should be asked. After all, it’s something that you’re doing to your body. You should have a good understanding of what it is. 


One of the biggest questions that comes up with CoolSculpting is how it works on the arms. So, let’s answer that question along with a few others, shall we? 


What happens to the arms during CoolSculpting? 

Let’s start with the main one: how does CoolSculpting work on the arms? 


The idea behind CoolSculpting is a pretty interesting one. Basically, it utilizes the fact that each kind of bodily cell has its own freezing; that point where it is so cold that it dies. For fat cells, that temperature is surprisingly warm. It’s much warmer than the freezing point of skin cells or muscle cells. This means that if you expose a part of the body to that temperature, the fat cells are likely to freeze and die, but the surrounding cells will stay pretty much untouched. Then the body eventually gets rid of those cells, causing that stubborn fat to go away forever. 


But how does it work on the arms? Well, it works on the arms in the same way that it works on every other part of the body; by freezing the fat in the area and eventually allowing the body to get rid of it. To help detail what to expect when you’re getting CoolSculpting done on your arms, let’s talk about what each CoolSculpting session is like. 


It starts with a CoolSculpting technician getting you prepped, this involves putting a protective pad on your target area (in this case, on your arm). CoolSculpting is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is considered to be very safe. The pad just helps ensure this safety. Once that’s in place, the technician will then put the CoolSculpting applicator in place and turn it on. It will stay on for a time that you and a CoolSculpting expert decide on during your free consultation (which we will talk more about in a moment). During this time, you can do whatever you feel like doing, as long as you stay in your chair. Some people read, others nap. When the CoolSculpting is happening, you may notice a slight tugging sensation or even some pinching. This is totally normal and will likely go away after a little while, as the area will likely go numb (also normal and temporary).  


Once the time is up, the technician will turn off the applicator, take it and the pad off and message the target area. This messaging is done to help start up the process that breaks down that frozen fat cells and gets rid of them. Then you’re done (at least, until your next session)! That’s the beauty of CoolSculpting. There is no recovery time or anything like that required. You can just leave the spa and get back to your life. Your body will just start to do its thing and get rid of the cells as soon as it gets the signal that they are dead. 


When you get CoolSculpting done on your arms, it is the same process as described above. The main difference is that because of how the pad and applicator need to sit on your arm, you may not be able to use both arms to read or scroll through your phone, since at least one will have the pad and applicator on it. But other than that, CoolSculpting works the same on the arms as it does anywhere else on the body. Which leads us to our next question. 


Where else can I get CoolSculpting done? 

While many people love CoolSculpting because it’s non-invasive and does have any downtime associated with it, others love it because it is versatile. You can get CoolSculpting done just about anywhere. Some of the more popular places are the stomach, the thighs, and the chin. While you can’t get it done any higher than the chin, that still leaves the rest of the body. Basically, if you can pinch the area and get a pinch full of fat, then you can get CoolSculpting done there. 


However, not everyone can get CoolSculpting done. There are some people that may experience some serious side effects if they get this treatment, and others that it just simply will not work on. For example, CoolSculpting will not work for you if you’ve been diagnosed with obesity. CoolSculpting is made to help get rid of those places with stubborn fat that just will not go away no matter how much dieting and exercising you do. It is for those who are so close to their target weight but need just that extra bit of help to get there. If you’re not sure about whether or not CoolSculpting is right for you, talk to your doctor. 


Once you do that, all you need to do is set up your free consultation. Here at the NIMA Institute, you can meet with one of our CoolSculpting experts who will go over what to expect from CoolSculpting with you. They will also go over whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure and how many sessions you may need. But if after that consultation you decide that you don’t want to do CoolSculpting, then there is no obligation. However, once you see what the process truly is and the kind of results you can expect, we think that you will ready to get that fat chilling. Call for a free consultation.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation: your skin will thank you

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, surprising, right? We often don’t think of the skin as an organ, but it is one and it’s far more important that we think. The skin has many functions, protecting us from wear and tear, chemicals and infections, and from ultraviolet rays that could harm us. The skin maintains our body temperature, it responds to a fall in temperature as well as rising temperatures. It’s also the largest sensory organ we have. It helps us feel with all of the nerve endings that are found in the dermis. These are just a few of the functions the skin has. Much more than you thought, right? Our skin does so much for us, we should do more for it. There are many things that you can do to maintain your skin’s health, but Laser Skin Rejuvenation may be a big ‘thank you’ to your largest organ. In this article we will guide you through different ways to ensure that your skin is healthy and what Laser Skin Rejuvenation can do for you. Keep reading, your skin will thank you.  


Laser Skin Rejuvenation 101  

What is Laser Skin Rejuvenation? How does it work? Is it safe? Why should someone go through this treatment? These are all great questions that all have answers. Let’s begin.  


What is it? – Laser Skin Rejuvenation is a treatment that may help a number of different skin ailments. Because the skin is the largest organ it can be difficult to remember every step necessary to take care of it. Then you add in regular life wear and tear or skin conditions that aren’t in your control. Laser Skin Rejuvenation may help your skin look and feel a bit better. 


How does it work? – During the treatment, an intense laser beam is directed at your skin. The beam removes the outer layer of skin (remember you have many layers of skin). While the beam is being used to remove the top layer of skin the heat from the laser heats the skin under it. This causes collagen fibers to become smaller and this may give you a nicer skin texture and tone. 


Is it safe? – Laser Skin Rejuvenation is fairly safe and has around three to ten days of recovery time. This all depends on the area that is being treated and how large or small it is. There are some ways to ensure that your produce is safe. Avoid ibuprofen or aspirin that affect blood clotting ten days before your treatment. We also ask that you avoid smoking two weeks before your treatment as it can cause a longer recovery time. Avoid heavy sun exposure and tanning while using sunscreen four weeks prior to treatment as well. During your consultation we’ll let you know if this treatment is right for you.   


Why should someone go through this treatment? – There are quite a few reasons that one would want to go through Laser Skin Rejuvenation. Some of them being, current acne and/or the scarring it can leave, bigger pores, fine lines, sunspots, rough textured skin, and uneven pigmentation. These treatment results will vary person to person. We’ll help you figure out if Laser Skin Rejuvenation is the right treatment for your skin. There is also the possibility that it may lessen the look of scars, too.  


Laser Skin Rejuvenation is not for everyone, but it may be able to help you and give your skin a little extra love and new life. Like we stated before, there are other things that you can do before choosing this treatment or even during and after to ensure that your skin is healthy as can be. Here are some ways to keep your skin glowing.  


Happy, healthy skin 

There are many ways to maintain and increase the health of your skin without going through treatments. Here are a few ways to do that:  


  • Drink water and try your best to be healthy: A healthy body makes healthy skin. This one is pretty easy! Drinking enough water will help keep your skin hydrated and a healthy diet can help you feel better in the long run. When you feel better your stress is likely to be lower and therefore your skin is less likely to break out in acne or other skin issues. Drink water regularly, eat health foods and try to manage your stress these are fairly simple first steps to healthy skin. 
  • Protect your skin from the sun: The skin is made to protect your body from the sun, but in the process, it can be damaging. You can’t always avoid the sun, but there are some things you can do to protect your skin a bit more. Like, use sunscreen, especially if you’re outdoors often. If you’re indoors most of the time, try using a moisturizer with sunscreen in it at least on your face. This may help premature aging. When you’re outside seek shade when you can. Also, you can wear protective clothing, like hats when you’re outdoors. Sun damage can cause fine lines and wrinkles, too. 
  • Be gentle to your skin: Our skin goes through so much during its lifetime that it doesn’t need another thing harming it. We can treat our skin gently by avoiding strong soaps as they can try your skin. If you choose to shave, shave with caution! Shave in the direction of your hair with a new, sharp razor to avoid cuts. Moisturizing is key to healthy skin as well. When your skin is dry use a moisturizer to prevent drying and potential cracks in the skin. Oftentimes cold weather may increase skin dryness and moisturizer could be the trick.  


Life happens 

We here at NIMA know that although we do our best to keep ourselves naturally healthy, that sometimes life happens and a lot of it is out of our control. We want you to look and feel the best that you can. Laser Skin Rejuvenation may be able to give you a bit of that control back. You didn’t wear sun screen as a teenager? Has adult acne been your worst enemy? We get it and we’re right here to help you give your skin a second chance. Learn about lash lifts, another service we offer or laser hair removal.

Why does CoolSculpting not work for everyone?

You’ve probably heard of CoolSculpting a few times by now. You may have seen billboards, TV ads, or seen articles or other stuff about it online. No matter how you heard of it, one fact remains; it’s a little hard to believe. Freezing fat away doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense at first. But it really does work. It can be incredibly effective and help people get rid of those last vestiges of stubborn fat once they’ve reached the end of their weight loss journey. 


But there is an important thing to know about CoolSculpting – it doesn’t work for everyone. Those that it does work for see incredible results, but not everyone is eligible to get it done. So, let’s talk about why CoolSculpting works for some people, but not for everyone. 


How does CoolSculpting work? 

Let’s start just by explaining what makes CoolSculpting work. As mentioned, it is essentially just freezing away fat. If you think back to your school days and science classes, you’ll likely remember that everything has a freezing point. A point at which the molecules inside it stop moving. For somethings, that point isn’t that big of a deal and can regain their former state with some heat. But for most organic things, like cells, reaching that freezing point kills them. But not all freezing points are the same. Fat cells freeze at a much warmer temperature than skin cells or muscle cells. This means that a temperature that may kill fat cells will leave all of the surrounding cells untouched. 


That idea is what drives CoolSculpting. It is a process where an area with a certain level of excess fat is exposed to cold temperatures that kill the fat but leave skin and muscle alone. The fat, after it’s been frozen, is expelled from the body, getting rid of that stubborn fat. But before we go on, let’s explain how a CoolSculpting session works. 


When you first come in and sit down in the CoolSculpting chair, your technician will place a protective pad on the target area. While CoolSculpting is considered to be generally very safe, this pad is just another safeguard to help ensure it. Then they will place the CoolSculpting applicator on the target area and allow it to sit there for a predetermined period of time. During this time, you can do whatever you like. Some people read, others work, even more nap. Whatever you want to do, is fine, as long as it keeps you in your chair. Then after the time is up, your technician will remove the applicator, and message the target area to help start the process that breaks down the cells, then you’re free to get on with your day. 


That last part is one of the craziest aspects of CoolSculpting. There isn’t any recovery or downtime. At the end of each session, you get to just leave. You can get back to your very busy schedule. This is very different from other procedures, like liposuction. Those require time for you to recover. That’s because they cause damage to the surrounding tissue. But CoolSculpting doesn’t do that. It leaves the other tissue virtually untouched. The worst you may see from CoolSculpting is a bit of bruising or swelling in the target area. But these are rarely bad enough to be cause for alarm and go away with time. 


One thing to note about CoolSculpting is that it may take a little while before it actually takes effect. Some people see results in only a week, others it takes up to four months. So, you will need to be patient. The body takes a little while to notice that there are dead cells and that they need to be gotten rid of. The amount of time that it takes depends on a lot of things including the amount of fat in the target area. Allow your body to take its natural course and you will see results. 


How can I know if it will work for me? 

So, now that we know how CoolSculpting works, let’s talk about how you can tell if CoolSculpting will work for you. 


One thing to cover right off the bat, is that CoolSculpting is designed with people who are almost at their target weight in mind. It is a way to get rid of small pockets of fat. It will not work on areas that have too much fat. It won’t work for you if you have been diagnosed with obesity. It is also not safe for those who have been diagnosed with cold agglutinin disease, cryoglobulinemia, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria to get CoolSculpting done, as they may experience some serious side effects. But other than those who have these conditions, there are very few people who can’t get CoolSculpting done. 


However, if you’re still unsure about whether or not CoolSculpting is safe or right for you, there are two things that you need to do. The first is to talk with your doctor. They will be able to tell you if CoolSculpting is a safe choice for you. Once you have gotten the go-ahead from your doctor, the next thing you need to do is schedule a free consultation with us at the NIMA Institute. During this consultation, we will go over with you what CoolSculpting is, what to expect, what makes you eligible for CoolSculpting, what your target area (or areas) is, how many sessions you may need, and how long those sessions may need to last. After that consultation, there’s no obligation to get CoolSculpting done. You’re free to never think about it again if you so choose. 


But we think that you may want to do it. There are so many reasons why CoolSculpting is one of the best options for weight loss treatments. The fact that it can be done by just about anyone is definitely one of the top ones. So, why not schedule your consultation today? It’s free of charge, free of risk, and free of pressure. Will CoolSculpting work for me?

Laser Hair Removal 101

Do you have unwanted body hair? Generally, most of us are born with body hair and when puberty hits? Well… it all goes downhill from there. At least for some of us, some folks were lucky enough to be born with blonde hair that is translucent and isn’t a bother. But others were given the task to manage darker hair. There are several different ways to get rid of unwanted body hair like waxing, shaving, hair removal creams, etc. However, you have to keep doing these over and over again. It can be annoying and time consuming! Now, we aren’t saying that you have to do any of these things. If you want your body hair, keep it! That is 100% your choice and society should not pressure you into doing anything with your body. But we are here to offer a solution for those who want to remove their body hair! You’ve probably guessed by now that this post is regarding Laser Hair Removal. We want to make sure that our customers are well educated on this hair removal procedure. That way you can make the right decision for you. So, what’s the deal with laser hair removal? Read on to find out.  


Why laser hair removal?  

Besides the obvious, “I don’t want body hair,” why should someone go through a laser hair removal treatment? Laser hair removal will allow your lifestyle to change quite a bit. When you remove unwanted hair, there is less worry surrounding it. Whether it be about you feeling uncomfortable or worrying about shaving/waxing, etc. Laser hair removal can be used on most skin types, on all genders, and the treatments are quite quick (30 mins to an hour). And who doesn’t want to quit buying razors or getting those pesky ingrown hairs? We’re sure you have many other questions, so here are a few frequently asked questions and answers: 


Where can I get laser hair removal done?  

Anywhere where you get hair, laser hair removal can be done. Well, for the most part. Most clients ask if it is safe to use on the face, and the answer is yes! Many people get treatments on their upper lip, chin, eyebrows, or even their sideburns. Laser hair removal can be done on the legs, bikini area, back, arms, stomach, underarms you name it! However, if you’re a person who has tattoos, laser hair removal will damage them. So, if you plan on getting tattoos and laser hair removal, go through the hair removal procedure first, then proceed to get tattoos. 


Is it safe?  

Short answer? Yes. Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment. Because it is a non-invasive treatment it has a low risk of negative reactions. When performed by highly trained specialists the side effects from laser hair removal are fairly uncommon.  


What is the number of treatments I’ll need?  

Each body is different and that means each person’s hair is different too. To get at least 70 to 90% permanent hair removal, we generally recommend about eight to twelve sessions. Of course, like we said, each body is different so this number of sessions will be different for each person. When you come in for a consultation, we’ll be able to give you a better estimate.  


How long does laser hair removal take?  

This answer varies on which area(s) you are getting the treatment on. Each area of the body will take about 20 minutes or less to complete. However, your appointment time will vary depending on how many body areas we’re treating that day. So, if we’re treating two areas your appointment could last up to 40 minutes. There is no need to take a break in between sessions so you’ll be able to get right back to work or go on with your daily tasks after your treatment.  


Will it hurt?  

Each person has a different pain tolerance, and everyone will have a different experience. However, other treatments, such as waxing are described to be more painful than laser hair removal. Most of our clients describe laser hair removal to feel like small pinpricks. And although it is not extremely comfortable it isn’t so painful that you can’t stand it. Each time you come in to get a session the feeling will lessen, and you’ll be more comfortable. If you are a bit more sensitive, our technicians can apply a topical numbing cream to help ease the discomfort.  


What do the side effects look like?  

Although laser hair removal is safe and doesn’t generally cause extreme side effects there are some to look out for. Some side effects you may experience are redness, crusting of the skin, or slight changes in skin color on the area that was treated. These are all minor side effects that are temporary. Some may experience these, but others may not.  


How long does the treatment last?  

This hair removal treatment can be a permanent treatment. However, the permanence of it determines on whether or not the hair follicle is destroyed completely. If the follicle is 100% destroyed the treatment will last forever. But if the hair follicle has only been damaged rather the hair in the treated area will grow back eventually. When a person undergoes six to eight laser hair removal treatments, they may be able to enjoy minimal hair regrowth for about one year. If you see regrowth in the treated area between six months and a year a touch-up treatment can be made to help manage the regrowth. 


Goodbye body hair 

Body hair can be such a pain if you don’t want it. We’re sure we’ve all got a few ankle scars from shaving our legs as teenagers that we don’t want to re-open. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to get rid of those hair follicles for good. When you think of your new morning routine there is no shaving in sight! Think of the time you’ll save and the money from all those razors and shaving cream purchases. We hope that you’re now well-educated and can make a knowledgeable decision on whether laser hair removal is for you. Learn about lash lifts here. Call here for a free consultation.

How long does Kybella take to work?

Double chins feel like even more of problem these days than ever before. That’s because we all have phones that we look down at all the time. Whether this creates a double chin or not is still up for debate. But we’ve all turned the camera on our phones on, not know it is was on the front facing camera and were surprised with a not-so-flattering image of ourselves with more chins than normal. 


If you’re feeling like you’ve noticed a double chin more often than usual, then you are probably looking for a solution. This is where Kybella comes in. Kybella is a new way to help get rid of that extra chin (or chins, in some cases). But there are a lot of questions still surrounding it. Like, what exactly does it do? And of course, how long does it take to work? Here at the NIMA Institute, we’re all about education (in fact, its the main thing we do). So, we thought we would answer these questions. Let’s get started. 


What is Kybella? 

Of course, we need to start with the basics. In this case, the most basic part is defining Kybella. 


Kybella is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved injection designed specifically to kill fat that sits stubbornly under the chin. The injection is made of synthetic deoxycholic acid. While that sounds kind of scary, it is actually a chemical that your body naturally produces. Its main function is to help the body breakdown and absorb fat. So, when a synthetic version of this chemical is injected under the chin, it kills the fat cells little by little. The cool part about this is that the fat cells can’t store themselves in the same way after the deoxycholic acid is administered. Once you’ve gotten rid of fat that you want to get rid of, you don’t have to get the treatment done again! 


How long does it take to work? 

The next question that needs to be answered is how long it takes for Kybella to work. The answer to this depends on you. 


Everyone is built different and that includes the chin and profile. Some people have more fat under their chin than others. So, the number of treatments of Kybella you will need depends on what you look like now and what you wish to look like after the treatments are over. Each treatment only lasts around 20 minutes. But you can only get a treatment once a month. During the clinical trials, no patient was given more than six treatments, so it’s unlikely that you will be given more than that as well. This all means that it could take anywhere from one month to six months to see the results that you are looking for from Kybella. 


Some things to know about Kybella 

Now that we’ve answered the main questions about Kybella, there are some important things that you should know before you go out and get it done. 


Though Kybella is FDA approved and is generally considered safe, there are some potential side effects. They tend to be things like redness, numbness, swelling, pain, and hardness in the area where you get the injection done. Those are the most common side effects, but there are also very rare reports of more serious side effects like nerve injury around the jaw and issues swallowing. 


It is best to talk to a doctor before you get Kybella done. You should tell them if you have been having or have had in the past issues swallowing. You should also tell them if you have bleeding disorders or if you take blood thinners. This information, along with any other info about problems or planned surgeries around the throat or chin, should be able to help them determine if Kybella is right for you. 


It is also important to remember that Kybella is specifically designed to work under the chin. It is not designed to work anywhere else and it is unlikely that it would work anywhere else. So, if you are interested in getting Kybella anywhere other than under the chin, you are going to be disappointed. 


What other options are there? 

While Kybella is a great option for getting rid of your double chin, it isn’t the only option out there. In fact, there is another one that is just as effective and is equally as safe. 


It is CoolSculpting. This may seem a little odd, because when CoolSculpting is talked about, it’s generally in the context of the arms or the stomach. But you can get CoolSculpting done on your chin just as easily as anywhere else. In fact, there are CoolSculpting applicators that are made specifically to work on your chin. 


If you’re unfamiliar with CoolSculpting, it’s actually a pretty interesting process. It is essentially just freezing away fat. The idea is that fat cells freeze at a warmer temperature than skin or muscle cells. This means that a particular temperature can kill fat but leave the surrounding area more or less alone. 


So, if you want to get rid of your double chin, but an injection doesn’t appeal to you, CoolSculpting is an option. It is one of the only other non-invasive procedures you can get to get rid of the fat under your chin. It is also the only one that doesn’t require any recovery time. You just get the CoolSculpting done and move on with your day. 


Kybella is an innovative way to get rid of that pesky double chin. It utilizes a chemical that your own body makes for similar reason to break down the fat in the most natural way possible. Though it may take a little while for it to actually work (if you recall, anywhere from one month to six months), its effects don’t ever go away, as it kills the stubborn fat that is hard to get and even harder to get rid of. It’s easy to see why people have been going crazy for Kybella. Click here for lash lifts. Check out the other offers that we have at the spa.

Does CoolSculpting really work for everyone?

You’ve probably have heard of CoolSculpting more than a few times, at this point. It’s understandable, as it is a pretty impressive treatment. But many people present it as a fix-all for everyone. Is that really the case? Could anyone get CoolSculpting done? The answer is, not really. There are many considerations that one needs to cover before doing it. Plus, there are some people that it just won’t work for. We’ll talk about who CoolSculpting does work for and who it doesn’t work for, but first, let’s talk about what CoolSculpting even is. 

What exactly is CoolSculpting? 

In order to understand who CoolSculpting does work for, you need to understand how CoolSculpting SLC works. But don’t worry, it’s surprisingly simple. 

CoolSculpting is based on one simple fact about fat cells; it doesn’t take much to freeze them. The temperature at which fat cells freeze and die is much warmer than the temperature that freezes skin and muscle cells. This means that if you expose an area to a particular temperature, fat cells will die, but the surrounding cells will be untouched. So, CoolSculpting utilizes this fact to your benefit. 

This is one of things that makes CoolSculpting stand out from other weight loss treatments, like liposuction. Those tend to be intrusive and cause damage to surrounding areas. Not only that, but they generally require you to take time to recover. CoolSculpting doesn’t require any downtime. After each session, you can just get on with your day. This is because CoolSculpting isn’t intrusive and doesn’t cause any real damage anywhere. To help highlight this, let’s talk about how a CoolSculpting session works.  

It starts by a CoolSculpting technician getting you prepped by placing a protective pad on your target area. As mentioned, CoolSculpting is unlikely to cause any damage, but it’s always a good idea to help make sure that you’re kept safe. This pad does that. Then the technician puts the CoolSculpting applicator in place and turns it on. The applicator stays there for a predetermined amount of time. During that you can read, work, nap, play on your phone, do whatever, as long as it keeps you in the CoolSculpting chair. Then after that time has passed, the technician turns off the applicator and removes it and the pad. Then they massage the target area. This helps break up the frozen cells so that they go away faster. After that, you’re all done (at least, until your next session)! You can get back to work, errands, home, or whatever else you have planned for the day.  

One thing to note about CoolSculpting, and yet another difference from other procedures, is that it doesn’t have immediate results. After your CoolSculpting sessions are all done, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for you to see results. The time tends to vary depending on the target area and how much fat has been targeted. This is because the body needs time to find the dead cells and get rid of them. Massaging the target area helps, but it may still take a little while. So, you will need to be patient when you’re waiting to see results from your CoolSculpting. 

Another great thing about CoolSculpting is the fact that its results last. That isn’t to say that you’ll never gain weight again, you likely will. However, the fat that you gain will distribute evenly, instead of focusing in the areas that it did before. But it’s pretty common for people to be so thrilled with their results that they work hard to keep the weight off. 

You may also notice some minor side effects from CoolSculpting. During the session, it will be things like tugging and pinching sensations, but these sensations will eventually fade, as the target area will numb. No need to worry, though, because this numbing will also go away after a little while. After the session, you may notice some swelling, redness, and bruising in the target area. None of these are likely to be serious and they too will fade after some time. Overall, CoolSculpting is considered to be very safe. In fact, it is the only weight loss treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 

Those are the main basics that you need to know about CoolSculpting, so let’s get into some of the specifics.  

Does CoolSculpting work for everyone? 

So, now it’s time to answer the big question here; does CoolSculpting really work for everyone? As we briefly mentioned, no it won’t. But it will work for many people. Let’s talk about who it will and won’t work for. 

One thing that should be remembered about CoolSculpting is that it is made for people who are already close to their target weight. It is designed to get rid of concentrated areas of fat. This means that if you’ve been diagnosed with obesity, it will not work for you. If you’re interested in CoolSculpting, but not sure if you qualify on this front, be sure to talk with your doctor, they should be able to advise you on whether or not it will work for you. If it won’t they will be able to help you develop healthy habits to lose weight. 

Another group that can’t get CoolSculpting done is those who have been diagnosed with paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, cryoglobulinemia, or cold agglutinin disease, as those with these conditions could experience some major complications. 

The first step to being sure about whether or not CoolSculpting will work for you is to set up an appointment for a free consultation with one of our CoolSculpting experts here at the NIMA Institute. We will help guide you through whether or not CoolSculpting is right for you, how the procedure works, where your target areas are, and how many sessions you may need. You run no risk in in this free consultation, so why not set one up today? That is the main thing potentially standing between you and a new you. 

The basics of CoolSculpting: how does it work?

When you first hear about CoolSculpting, it sounds pretty hard to believe, right? Freezing away fat seems counter intuitive. Afterall, who doesn’t gain weight during the winter? And if freezing fat works, then why do things like hot yoga exist? So, yes, CoolSculpting sounds like it wouldn’t make any sense, but it does work. But it is understandable that you would want to know the specifics of how this process actually does work. So, let’s talk about it. 

How does CoolSculpting work? 

Let’s get into this right off the bat, shall we?  

As mentioned, CoolSculpting is essentially freezing away fat. Fat cells have a relatively high freezing temperature. Meaning that it doesn’t take much for them to freeze and die. Meanwhile, the cells surrounding the fat, the muscle and skin cells, freeze at much lower temps and are generally unaffected by the temperature that freezes fat. What all this means is that if you expose an area to a particular temperature, it may be able to freeze and kill the fat, all while leaving the other cells virtually untouched. This is pretty different when compared to other weight loss procedures, like liposuction. Those are intrusive and may cause damage to surrounding areas. But that’s not the only thing that’s different. 

To show you why so many people prefer CoolSculpting over liposuction and other weight loss procedures, let’s talk about how the average CoolSculpting session goes. It starts by a CoolSculpting technician placing a protective pad on your target area. While CoolSculpting is safe, it is still good to take these extra little precautions. Then the tech will place the CoolSculpting applicator on the target area and turn it on for a predetermined amount of time. During this time, you can do whatever you want (as long as it allows you to stay where you are). Many people will read or work, some even take this opportunity to catch up on some sleep. After that time has passed, the tech will turn off and remove the applicator and pad, then they will message the target area. This helps break up the frozen cells and speeds up the losing process. 

This is where CoolSculpting really stands out from other weight loss procedures. After each session, that’s it. You can go home, or run some errands, or go back to work. There’s no downtime. There’s no recovery time. There’s no need to take time off (except if you need to make time for the session). After your session is over, you can get back to your life. This is pretty different from the intrusive procedures that require you to take time to recover and heal. There’s nothing to recover from. 

That being said, there are some potential side effects. During the session, you may notice a pulling or pinching sensation. Most CoolSculpting patients report that this goes away after a little while because the area starts to numb. This is a normal response from the body when exposed to cold. After the session there may be some slight bruising and swelling in the target area. But this will go away after a little while.  

How do I know that it will work for me? 

Now that we’ve talk about how CoolSculpting works, it’s only fair that we cover who CoolSculpting works for, because it doesn’t work for everyone, unfortunately. There are those who should avoid CoolSculpting for health reasons, or just simply won’t be able to lose weight with it. 

One thing to note about CoolSculpting Utah is that it is for those who are near their target weight, but just can’t seem to lose that little pouch on their stomach, or the wings on their arms. It is not design for those who have been diagnosed with obesity. So, if you’re not near the end of your weight loss journey, it may not work for you. It is also not made for those with cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, because people with these conditions could experience some major complications as a result. 

The best way to know if CoolSculpting is right for you is by talking with your doctor. Then setting up a free consultation with one of our CoolSculpting experts here at the NIMA Institute. They will go through with you whether or not CoolSculpting is right for you. They will also help you decide where your target areas are and how many sessions you will need. All of this for free. 

It’s good to note that you won’t see result right away. It takes time for the body to notice that the cells have died. After that it takes more time for the body to expel these cells. The bigger the target area, the more fat in that place, the more time it takes for the cells to go away and for you to see results. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to four months to see considerable results. 

But most would say that the wait is worth it. Because when the fat is taken off using CoolSculpting it is usually off of good. That doesn’t mean that you’ll never gain weight again, but when you do, the weight will be more even distributed, instead of focused in your target area like it was before. But most people love their results so much, that they work to keep the weight off after their sessions. 

As you can see, CoolSculpting is not a terribly complex process. You get to lose weight while doing whatever you want. Plus, the science behind it isn’t the complex thing to wrap your head around either. Just freeze away fat, and there you go. If you’re ready to give CoolSculpting a try, feel free to reach out to us here at the NIMA Institute. We are one of the top CoolSculpting providers in the country, and the absolute top for Utah. You don’t even have to commit yet. You can just set up your free consultation to see if it’s right for you. So, why not give it a try and start loving your body? Learn about the risks of CoolSculpting.